Everything about the challenge

The “Nothing New” Challenge is a free program launched by Zero Waste France to help you change your relationship with objects and your consumption. The goal is to reduce your purchases of new items as much as you can for one year.
The Challenge is a process for which you will never be judged or evaluated. Do your best, for yourself, for the planet and for its inhabitants.
The Challenge includes all everyday life objects (clothes, books, furniture, tech devices, home appliances, games…). It excludes food, cosmetic and hygiene products.
Before arriving in your hands, each new object is responsible for many negative impacts from an environmental, but also social and health point of view.
If it costs so much to the planet and its inhabitants, why not slow down?
In addition to awareness campaigns such as the “Nothing New” Challenge, Zero Waste France acts at the legal level to influence laws and enforce them, because it is obviously necessary that in parallel to your commitment, companies change their practices!
It is thanks to your registration that we can count the number of participants and use it as a political and media tool to grow our influence.
Throughout the year, Zero Waste France helps you rethink your consumption and change your purchasing practices by creating online tools and organizing events throughout France. The “Nothing New” Challenge is also a community of participants who exchange tips and items. Zero Waste France contributes to creating mutual aid and connecting the people who participate.
Get inspired on the facebook group of the “Nothing new” challenge and on the instagram account!
They support the Challenge and, like you, try to buy as few new items as possible throughout the year.
créatrice du blog Consommons sainement
créatrice du compte instagram lilacam
présidente de Fashion Revolution France
fondateurs du Low Tech Lab
auteur et réalisateur
directeur général de Greenpeace France
auteur et fondateur de ça commence par moi
co-fondatrice de HOP
coordinatrice du collectif Ethique sur l’étiquette
auteur, spécialiste low-tech et épuisement des ressources minérales
journaliste et co-fondateur du média ID l’info durable
auteure et chercheuse sur la sobriété
The MAIF supports the “Nothing New” Challenge.